A funny thing happened last weekend. I turned on my computer to check email, and there were a dozen letters from Australia, each bearing kind Happy Mother’s Day wishes from down under. There were even more messages for me on Facebook. I was puzzled at first, but then the fifth note I read explained what was going on: “Your Gift of an Ordinary Day video is going viral in Australia,” a mom of two wrote to me.
Sure enough. I paid a visit to the YouTube link: 200,000 more clicks in just a couple of days — and suddenly my three-year-old video was inching right up toward 2 million views. (When I told this to my friend Ann Patchett, she promptly pointed out that Fifty Shades of Grey first went viral in Australia, too, which is probably not relevant, but who can say? I’m pretty certain her email is the only time the titles Fifty Shades of Grey and The Gift of an Ordinary Day have appeared in the same sentence, and that alone gave me pause.)
“But where can I find the words to your poem?” my Australian correspondent asked. “What I really want is the coffee table version of this video so I can read it again and again.”
I wrote her back, but I couldn’t give her what she wanted. The fact is, I didn’t envision the video script as a poem, but it isn’t exactly a direct excerpt from my book either. To write it, I did take some sentences from The Gift of an Ordinary Day. But then I thought about my children and and about ordinary days and all the things I worried about and loved and missed, and I added some more sentences in order to create a piece that could stand on its own. Then I tried reading the whole thing out loud to a friend. There were two problems.
Given that I was still smack in the middle of that raw and tender place of having sent one son off to college and knowing his brother would soon be gone, too, I couldn’t get through it without tears. And it took me over seven minutes to read out loud. “I know it’s way too long for a video. No one will watch,” I said to my friend. (The whole point of doing the video was to spread the word about my book — and everyone had told me that three minutes was the maximum amount of time anyone would pay attention.) But try as I might, I couldn’t find a line to cut.
In the end, I just went with it. I practiced a few times, so I could read about my children growing up without choking up myself, and then we filmed it. To my surprise, people did watch. And they shared with their friends, who shared with their friends, which is how a reading I did three years ago in my living room for my book group and my neighbors came to be seen by thousands of moms in Australia last weekend. (Turns out, they were also reading my blog, including my cake recipe from a few weeks ago, which gave rise to some more questions: “What is a stick of butter? How many grams is that?” and “I wish I knew what a tube pan was!”)
Over the last couple of years, I’ve received many requests for the written words to the video, especially in the springtime, with the end of the school year approaching, graduations looming, and big life transitions right around the corner. For a long time, I held off (I was hoping people would buy the book, after all), but since there will never be a coffee table version, I decided the best way to answer the demand would be to just print the words here, for anyone to read and use. Three years later, and I haven’t changed my mind: the gift I still cherish above all else is the gift of a perfectly ordinary day. It seems, from what I hear, that mothers and fathers everywhere feel exactly the same.
Click here to watch the video.
The Gift of an Ordinary Day
by Katrina Kenison
You think the life you have right now is the only life there is, the one that’s going to last forever. And so it’s easy to take it all for granted — the uneventful days that begin with pancakes for breakfast and end with snuggles and made-up stories in the dark. In between, there might be a walk to the creek, a dandelion bouquet, caterpillars in a jar. Countless peanut butter sandwiches, baking soda volcanoes, and impassioned renditions of The Wheels on the Bus. Winter’s lopsided snowmen and summer trips to town for cookie-dough ice cream cones. Cheerios poured into bowls, fingernails clipped, cowlicks pasted down with warm water. Nose kisses and eyelash kisses and pinky swears.
Of course, I worried. I thought if I didn’t carry my four-year-old back to his own room after a bad dream, he would sleep with us forever. I thought, when one son refused to share his favorite puppet, it meant he’d never play well with others. When my first-born cried as I left him at the nursery school door, I believed he would always have trouble separating. Sometimes, out in the parking lot, I cried too, and wondered why saying good-bye has to be so hard, and if maybe I was the one with the problem.
“All the flowers bloom in their own time,” my 85-year old-grandmother said when I confided my fears. Of course, she was right.
There were disappointments — teams not made, best friends who turned mean for no reason, ear aches and strep throats and poison ivy. A cat that died too soon, fish after fish gone belly up in the tank. But mostly, the world we lived in, the family we’d made, childhood itself, felt solid, certain, enduring.
What I loved most of all was a boy on my lap, the Johnsons baby shampoo smell of just-washed hair. I loved my sons’ kissable cheeks and round bellies, their unanswerable questions, their innocent faith in Santa Claus and birthday wishes and heaven as a real place. I loved their sudden tears and wild, infectious giggles, even the smell of their morning breath, when they would leap, upon waking, from their own warm beds directly into ours.
For most of us, the end comes in stages. Baseballs stop flying in the back yard. Board games gather dust on the shelves. Baths give way to showers, long ones, at the oddest times of day. A bedroom door that’s always been open, quietly closes. And then, one day, crossing the street, you reach out to take a hand that’s always been there — and find you’re grasping at air instead, and that your 12-year-old is deliberately walking two steps behind, pretending he doesn’t know who you are.
It hits you then: you’ve entered a strange new territory, a place known as adolescence.
Arriving on these foreign shores, you feel the ground shift beneath your feet. The child you’ve loved and held and sacrificed for has been transformed, en route, into a sullen, alien creature hunched over a cereal bowl. And you wonder where you went wrong.
The thing is, you can’t go back and do one single minute of it over. All you can do is figure out how to get through the rest of the day, or the midnight hour when your mind keeps replaying the last argument you had with your tenth-grader, and wondering: How can I do this better?
Slowly, you begin to get the lay of this unfamiliar landscape, just as it dawns on you — the life that once seemed like forever has already slipped away. The old routines don’t work anymore. Instead, every day now, it’s like you’re learning to dance all over again, with strangers, spinning faster and faster. Holding on, letting go.
You do what you can to keep up. You fill the refrigerator, drive, supervise, proofread, and fill the refrigerator again. You negotiate curfews and car privileges, fill the refrigerator, confiscate the keys, set new limits. You celebrate a part in the school play, a three-pointer, a hard-earned A-minus. You fill the refrigerator, and you fill in every bit of white space on your calendar: SAT s and ACTs and SATIIs, playoffs and performances and proms. You ignore a bedroom that looks as if it’s been bombed, write lots of checks, try not to ask so many questions. You fill the refrigerator, count the beer bottles in the door. You willingly give up the last ice cream sandwich in the freezer, buy pizzas when their friends come over, keep the dog quiet on Saturday morning till you hear feet hit the floor upstairs. You learn to text, and to pray.
There are many nights when you trade sleep for vigilance. You become an expert in reading the rise and fall of a phone conversation muffled behind a door, the look in their eyes as they walk through the room, the meaning of a sigh, the smell of a jacket, the unspoken message behind the innocuous, “Hey mom.” “Hey,” you say. “Hey, hon.”
Before you know it, you’re in the homestretch of high school — and face to face with a truth you should have known all along: this time of parents and children, all living together under one roof, isn’t the whole story after all; it’s just one chapter. Hard as it is to live with teenagers, you can’t quite imagine life without them.
And yet this time of 24/7, zip-your-jacket-here’s-your-sandwich mothering by which you’ve defined yourself for so long, is coming to an end.
So, you remind yourself: Learn the art of letting go by practicing it in the present. Instead of regretting what’s over and done with, savor every minute of the life you have right now: A family dinner. You and the kids, all squeezed onto the couch to watch a movie. A cup of tea in the kitchen before bed. Saying goodnight in person.
If motherhood teaches us anything, it’s that we can’t change our children, we can only change ourselves.
And so, instead of wishing that the kids could be different somehow, you try to see, every day, what is already good in each of them, and to love that. Because any moment now, you’re going to be hugging a daughter who’s turned into a woman. Or standing on tiptoe, saying good-bye to a son who’s suddenly six-feet tall, and heading off to a college halfway across the country.
They leave in a blur — packing, chatting, blasting music, tearing the closets apart in a desperate last-minute search for the gray sweatshirt or the Timberland boots. And then, too soon, they really are gone, and the house rings with a new kind of silence. The gallon of whole milk turns sour in the fridge, because no one’s home to drink it. The last ice cream sandwich is all yours. Nobody needs the car.
You look at your husband across the dinner table, which suddenly feels way too big for two, and wonder, How did it all end so fast?
The bookshelf in my own living room is full of photo albums, nearly twenty years worth of well-documented birthday cakes and holidays, piano recitals and Little League games. But the memories I find myself sifting through the past to find, the ones that I’d give anything now to relive, are the ones that no one ever thought to photograph, the ones that came and went as softly as a breeze on a summer afternoon.
It has taken a while, but I certainly do know it now–the most wonderful gift I had, the gift I’ve finally learned to cherish above all else, was the gift of all those perfectly ordinary days.
You are an inspiration, Katrina. I read these words and I have gone through the same…often wondering how both my sons and I can make these adolescent years better. Thank you
Thank you Katrina- I have printed this out twice and plan to paste it in my children’s albums.
It is very generous of you to share this with us all.
Kind regards
Caylie Jeffery
ps: I have written a few pieces that you might like, when you have a moment. http://cayliejeffery.blogspot.com.au/ is where I write my essays, and they are international
Hi Katrina,
I’m one of those Mum’s, so glad your video finally made it to my Facebook account here in Australia. I’ve already read Magical Journey and am now reading Mitten Strings For God. Your insight has changed my life in such a short period of time. I’ve been trying to figure out what life is all about for such a long time and have been so tired with trying to keep up with everyone and everything else. Thank you soo much, your writing has confirmed all I really believe in and truly value…keep things simple, enjoy and appreciate the ordinary day and all within it and soo much more. My young family and I are very grateful for your inspiration and insight. Lots of Love Clare XXxxx
It is so beautiful to read! Thank you for posting! Congratulations on your following from Australia:)
My family is in the midst of a health crisis, and it’s been SUCH a hard week. Although I watched your video years ago, your words are just what I needed to read and be reminded of this morning. Thank you.
I have seen the video a million times and I love it….but just reading the words… well it’s even more beautiful. It can stand alone as it’s own book. I don’t know if you have ever considered it but this passage with some great pictures of your kids growing up (or even the space for someone to add their own pictures), would make a great book for purchase. I would buy it for moms whose son/daughter is graduating from preschool, high school, college… for my own mom…for me.
Just an idea…
Much love, Carmen
So excited for you that the video went viral in Australia. I came back to read the words again–with my only son married last year and living across the country-and the words of the video still make my eyes well up. The writing is so personal and true.
Your post has come at the exact perfect time, as I am packing up to head to my youngest child’s college graduation.
College graduation. Wow. How did I get here?
I remember when I got married, my mother saying to me that very same thing…how did I get here? She said she felt like she drove cross country in a stick shift car and doesn’t remember changing the gears once.
I will cherish the gift of this extraordinary day. Breath it all in. Savor the moment.
Thank you for the beautiful reminder that all of life is fleeting.
Congratulations on your Australian success. In reading this post, I realized I have friends in London who would also cherish your video, so I am sending it along to them.
With the crazy, hectic 24/7 world that we all now live in…maybe we can start a “gift of an ordinary day” global movement!
Thank you for saying what we mothers feel, for putting into words our innermost thoughts. Our children will all grow up one day and we too, will grow older. All part of life. I am turning 60 in two months, and your video and your books have all been a blessing. They have come at just the right moment,when reflection is good for the soul. It helps to take stock of things and to appreciate what you have when you have it.
How wonderful! So pleased to hear how your words are spreading. Your message is universal with mothers everywhere, and you deserve every success for putting into words the thoughts that resonate.
I watched your video several years ago before my daughter became a teen. Reading it again now, it resonates in a whole new way. Thanks again for your words and insights.
Hi, As a legion of fans await you and your beautiful words in Australia why don’t you hop on a plane. You would be absolutely amazed at your reception, just ask ABBA.
Hi Katrina,
This remains so beautiful, and life just keeps pulsing with synchronicity. This morning I had been thinking of you as I worked out with Will and Nate, just home from his first year at college, thinking of that day not so long ago we worked out and hiked. And I’m halfway through “State of Wonder,” that Andy so ardently recommended to me, and ten thousand other little coincidences all swirling into our collective parenting experience. Perhaps as so many mothers and fathers around the world find your words, and like I so often have in your words, also found their feelings, we are awakening to something both thoroughly modern (this tech age of interconnectivity) and eternal (our love for our children, our lives, our struggles to be present and soft as we feel so very much and fear we end up alone, all the while hoping that we are not alone in these ordinary and precious days).
Thank you Katrina! I have both of your books — they are dog eared, underline with lots of exclamation marks. I can never be reminded enough to enjoy the present – that this life with a growing 13 year old boy won’t always be like it is today. I love being a mom, I love watching him grow up and I look forward to watching him become the man God wants him to be. And yet… I still feel like my days will be filled with school and sports routines. Your gift of spirit… of love… of appreciation is salve for my soul everyday that I read your words. Thank you.
All of your words are so beautiful! You have SUCH a gift and I am glad the people down under are able to enjoy as well!
Thank you for sharing these words with us Katrina. I agree that this would be lovely in a small book form for purchase! I would buy it as I have your other books! Your words and blog are a wonderful reminder to me to appreciate each day for it’s small gifts that really are a huge gift! Salve for the soul indeed!
Thank you for posting the words to your video — it captures the essence of your book perfectly. I don’t clip a lot of blog posts but have saved this one to my Evernote file. Even though I’ve shared your books like my circle of moms, this post will be a great reminder when they need a little “extra.”
Amen, Katrina, amen.
My daughter graduates from college on June 16 (if she passes her last math course-holding our breath). I plan to use your words on some kind of yet to be made, wall hanging for a Graduation gift. I’m not sure if she’ll get it, but I am hoping that someday in her future and maybe after I am gone, your words will touch her heart in a way that you have touched mine.
Katrina, your video and now the written piece are a real thing of beauty. I am inspired by your writing and how the video came to be. I am a new writer and before my first piece was published, I did a reading for my friends at my belated 50th birthday party. I recorded it as well and later made a music video of the event. (Here’s the blog post about it on my publisher’s blog for the book: http://journeystomotherlove.wordpress.com/2012/10/06/celebrating-our-milestones/) Not long after my birthday, I remembered your video. It gave me goosebumps to think of the similarities. I thank you for sharing your writing with the world. With the rise of self-publishing and requests for writers to give advice, tips and to solve people’s problems you have shown that what is truly important is the gift of sharing our lives. That is what inspires. I admire your writing and feel blessed to virtually journey along with you.
My brother-in-law who lives in New Zealand sent me your video. I have 2 sons and my youngest has just completed his first year of university and will soon be leaving the nest for his own place. (A day that I have been dreading since my first son was born). I cried through your entire video and gave my brother-in-law heck for sending it to me. But he knows me well and it was truly beautiful. You put all my separation angst into words and I also will be including these words in my son’s scrapbook. Thank you for publishing the words!
Back in 2009, someone sent my husband the video, and he sent it to me and we watched it over and over again. And we bought your book : ) No matter how hard I try I can’t see over the wall of the present. It still surprises me that my children can go outside by themselves (and the youngest is in college). It is so true–there is just nothing like the gift of an ordinary day. Thank you for writing these words.
Dear Katrina,
Somewhere on facebook I have discovered your video. I was so lucky as your poem is a real blessing.
Thank you so much for putting love and life in such wonderful words.
Listening to your words made me think of the perfectly ordinary moments with my partner from new york, who passed away a year ago. Thinking of those moments makes the warmth come back.
Your words also made me think of my own past, present and future: growing up, the time with parents, sister and my dog.
Listening to your words has made me be more conscious of the presence as every single moment, one day, will be the memory of a perfectly ordinary moment.
Only the best to you and your family, thank you again.
Lots of love from Frankfurt/Germany.